Just wanted to leave a short note saying thanks for all your help on my fyp service, you guys are really awesome. With all your online notes and messages, it made a final year student like me feel that this was all worth it. The price wasn't really a matter for me and yet you people gave it at such an affordable price.
Once again thanks for making my fyp graduation experience an awesome one without any worries and problems. May all of you do well in your future undertakings and if you guys do business I'm sure it'll be one of the best!!!
Always rooting for you, Don 8391 (Batch of July 05)
CHUA HAN JIM (ME) fast, friendly, reliable and high quality hardbound service by SM print. I am one very satisfied (and happy for concluding FYP of course) customer.
tima kasih atas bantuan anda, semua selamat hantar report dgn baik.
NAZMIN (ME) ....sekalung trimass kpd printing servis mursh n napi...
To SM Printcentre,
Thanks guys for making my last hurdle of preparing my hardbound a happy experience. You all were not only friendly but also highly efficient. The best part was that for my case, my hardbound was given to me before the expected date. I guess that is just how diligent and efficient you all are. The price is affordable, well deserved for the excellent quality of your service. Thanks guys!!
Hardbound Samples
Sample Spine Cover for Internship
Don't worry about the allignment because it is used as a refference for hardbound purpose... =)
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