S^M PrintCentre
Services Available for Semester July 2010.
Get It Now!
It's a new semester, with a new life & new spirit.
in completing your paper works,
Are you looking for services within UTP?
That could provide you after office hour service?
That give you cheaper price & good quality?
It isn't that hard to find it.
We provide you the solution.
Here are our services;

Do contact our agent (PIC) listed in order to have our services.
Hope you enjoy this wonderful semester & get flying colors in all the courses you take.
As Ramadhan (fasting month) is just aroung the corner,
We would like to wish all muslim, Happy Ramdhan
Hope you will get Rahmat & Guidance & Your ibadah will be accepted by Allah.
Services Available for Semester July 2010.
Get It Now!
It's a new semester, with a new life & new spirit.
in completing your paper works,
Are you looking for services within UTP?
That could provide you after office hour service?
That give you cheaper price & good quality?
It isn't that hard to find it.
We provide you the solution.
Here are our services;
- Printing Service
- 25 sen per page (Black & Color)
- PIC : Amir Zairi [019 437 8907] ; Fadhilah [019 513 3468] ; Asyran [019 523 7815]

- Binding Service
- RM1 per report
- Extra RM1 for transparent cover (front & back)
- PIC : Fadhilah [019 513 3468]
- 80 sen per paper
- Available in A4 & B5 paper
- PIC : Haidzir [013 501 2732]
- We'll announce later.
- PIC : Azrai [013 451 7175] ; Haidzir [013 501 2732]
Do contact our agent (PIC) listed in order to have our services.
Hope you enjoy this wonderful semester & get flying colors in all the courses you take.
As Ramadhan (fasting month) is just aroung the corner,
We would like to wish all muslim, Happy Ramdhan
Hope you will get Rahmat & Guidance & Your ibadah will be accepted by Allah.
"Sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan. Maka apabila kamu telah selesai (dari sesuatu urusan), kerjakanlah dengan sungguh-sungguh (urusan) yang lain. Dan hanya kepada Tuhanlah hendaknya kamu berharap."
~ al-Insyirah: 6-8 ~
For more info:
Email us at : selamatmembeli@gmail.com
or directly contact to our personal at :
Azrai - 013 451 7175
Fadhilah - 019 513 3468
Haidzir - 013 501 2732
~ al-Insyirah: 6-8 ~
For more info:
Email us at : selamatmembeli@gmail.com
or directly contact to our personal at :
Azrai - 013 451 7175
Fadhilah - 019 513 3468
Haidzir - 013 501 2732
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